We thought we’d spotlight a lit of our dare I say “oddball” plumbing fixtures in our new house.
The first photo shows a simple water fountain we put in our kitchen. We drink a lot of water and we’ve noticed over the years that our dishwasher has too many water glasses from people constantly starting new ones. We wanted to get an old fashioned porcelain school water fountain, but the the used ones we found were in too bad of shape and the new ones were too expensive. The water fountain fixture piece was five bucks and we just used a metal mixing bowl for the bowl, which we drilled a hole in the bottom for the drain.
The second photo is of an old fashion water spigot that we plumbed down low to supply Felipe, our 100 pound lab, with water. He drinks so much water that it gets old lifting up the big bowl and having to fill it up. This actually has a little lever on it that we can tap with our feet and not even bend over. Ahh, laziness!
The third photo is from the same 1st floor 1/2 bath. The whole room is clad in this whimsical and wild spanish cedar curved strips that Devin designed. We wanted the fixtures to lend that same flavor, so Joey picked out simple old fashioned brass water spigots that come out of the wall. The bowl sink sits on an old letter press cabinet we picked up secondhand.
– Jeff