We are building a small accessory cottage at 318 Oak Street behind the house we recently renovated. This will be available for rent around April 1. Just 16′ x 24′, with a loft over the kitchen and bathroom, and a bump out with a twin daybed and kitchen table bench seating, the cottage will be a perfect spot for someone wanting a unique personal space with ample space for outside gardening and a deck for hanging out.
Attached are a few photos showing some details of how the house is built for exceptional comfort and energy efficiency. Here are some details:
- The conditioned crawl space is only open to the inside of the house.
- We hand painted the exterior of the concrete foundation (which we formed and poured on site) with a Sampson water proofing tar.
- All exterior OSB plywood seams are sealed with Siga Wigluv tape
- All interior penetrations are sealed with Siga Rissan tape
- All exterior walls wrapped in 2″ Cellofoam Polyshield Type II
We will be posting more finish details shortly. Stay tuned!